This field test was carried out for the company PDVSA Petroquiriquire, with daily monitoring with controlled sampling in tanks 10001 and 10002 in the presence of the corresponding personnel.
Demulsifier injection began in July 2019 with 19 ppm, equivalent to 4.8 gallons/day. A series of adjustments were made, finding an optimal point at 8 ppm, equivalent to 2 gallons/day without affecting the quality of the crude oil for sale.
With our range of asphaltene dispersants it is possible for Algeria to maintain its high percentage of asphaltenes in solution with adequate tendency and conditions.
With our range of asphaltene dispersants, it is possible for Algeria, specifically the Hassi Messaoud field, to maintain its high percentage of asphaltenes in solution with the appropriate tendency and conditions to precipitate them.
This demulsifier was designed for the Petrosilah company, for its specific application in the Al Fayum field, to treat serious problems with emulsions stabilized with paraffins and asphaltenes in interfaces and bottoms of tanks, generating high costs in the application of contingency products to achieve entry into sales specifications.
It is a product with fast action, low dosages and high performance in crude oil dehydration (Dual action in paraffinous crude oils) and deep injection in two wells with stable asphaltenes allowed the elimination of additional work in the operation.
We were contacted by the company KAR Energy, operators of the KAR Oilfield, to design a product capable of breaking emulsions with a short residence time and undersized surface equipment for the production volume they handle.
The appropriate product is designed to achieve satisfactory results based on the mentioned issues, working within a short time (<20 minutes breaking and 99% drop in water content) and with a dosage of <25 PPM.